Shark Vacuums
Sharks have taken the world by storm! Let us tell you a little more about Shark vacuums before you buy a Shark.
Why are Sharks so Popular?
We believe that Shark Vacuums are so popular due to decent performance at a competitive price point and consumer-friendly features. While we do sell some Shark vacuums, we don’t have access to their full lineup, as they mostly sell through only national retailers.
A Few Things You Should Know
Firstly, Shark warranties are all handled through Shark on the phone, or by mail order. There is NO local Shark warranty service. This means that if the vacuum fails under warranty you may have to mail it out of state for repairs. Second, Shark does not sell parts for their machines: no belts, brush rolls, switches, hoses, etc. This means that you may end up needing a whole new vacuum, simply because a small part is not available.
Repair and Tune-up Services
We do offer repair services and tune-up services, we have most filters, as well as, a few factory refurbished Shark models in store. We also save some used parts from the many unrepairable Sharks that we dispose of each year. So if your Shark isn’t working correctly, please, bring it in and let us take a look to see if we can help you out, before you throw it out. Understand, when you purchase a Shark you are buying a disposable vacuum, it’s the surprise of not knowing that seems to be the most upsetting to Shark owners.